
R E Spencer (chumpp) Quotes & Sayings:

R E Spencer

Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 9 Months

R E Spencer Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
Law has never been a friend of justice. Law has never been a friend of justice...


After watching politicians for over forty years, our pledge of allegiance should read, "one nation After watching politicians for over forty years, our pledge of allegiance should read, "one nation..


My mother-in-law has a death wish. She wants to worry my wife to death. My mother-in-law has a death wish. She wants to worry my wife to death...

Family Funny Relationship

Would someone please explain the difference between Affirmative Action and discrimination to me? Would someone please explain the difference between Affirmative Action and discrimination to me?..


Difference Action
Does eternity have a beginning? It has no end. Does eternity have a beginning? It has no end...

Philosophy Religion Science

Taxation is a charming word for extortion. Taxation is a charming word for extortion...

Funny Politics
